Saturday, January 08, 2005


Posted by Hello

I'm just going to pretend that I didn't have the goddamn flu for the last 4 days. Just gonna pretend that didn't happen...
I'm getting real close to having another record written. I think. I've got 4 finished songs and 3 or 4 that just need lyrics and some tweeking. I haven't started to record a lick of it yet. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do about that. I kind of want to do it at home. It's going to be pretty invovled in its simplicity and will take alot of time I fear. Which means I couldn't afford to do it in a studio. Actually, I don't think I want to anyway. Not this time at least. These songs are lyrically traumatic. I need to be alone with them I think. Plus, the idea of doing it myself means that I can't blame anyone when I'm done. Not that I ever would anyway. I would like to play most of the instruments myself. I know that's completely meglomatic but fuck it. I've always wanted to do it so why not? I'm hoping that a few people that I really respect will lend their talents to it though. Flora Reed, Rene from Petulant Child, Jose Ayerve, Philip Price, Joel from Killswitch Engage and maybe Ken Mauri when he comes to visit again. I don't know, it's all in my head. Hopefully it will come out lucid enough.
I've sold over 100 copies of my solo record which I know doesn't sound like much but since I rarely play anywhere I'm pretty happy with it. I'm not out to make a living at this. I just want to be happy with what I create and share it with those that might be interested. You can find my CD here I'm really proud to say that it's getting really good reviews too. A great one from, from Shut Eye Records in Georgia and I even made a top 11 list. Top 11 list? Yes, I'm 11 on Philip Price's records of the year. That is so flattering. I would rather be # 40 on his list than #1 on many other people's lists.
Anyway, all of these things inspire me to keep doing this. Well, it's one of the many things at least. In my head I'm feeling that I'll have a new record out (of some sort) by the fall of 2005. I think that's pretty realistic. Jose and Pigeon Records are so kind to put out my records knowing that I'm not this gigging machine. They really appreciate the music more than the dollar. I am forever thankful for that.
On another musical note, I had a chance to meet Dimebag Darrell back in 1990 or so. Pantera played at Katina's in Hadley and after the show those guys were so sweet to us. I remember Dimebag thinking I was the coolest kid because I had a Planters Peanuts jar filled with whiskey that I drank all night at the show. I was not yet 21. Months later I ran into Vinnie Paul (the drummer and Dimebag's brother) at the Holyoke Mall. He remembered my name and invited me to that nights show they were doing at the Springfield Civic Center. I didn't want to go because I hated Skid Row for whom they were opening. What a great bunch of guys. No Devil rock, no shitty metal misogonysts, no racist garbage just really great and giving guys that loved music so damn deeply. And they never took anything for granted. I'm so sorry Dimebag met this sick and disturbing demise. Look at the way he lead his life, not the way it so tragically ended. My deepest condolences to Vinnie and the rest of his family.

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