Saturday, November 20, 2004


I just found out that my songs on have won some awards. Pretty funny it is:

#19 Grooviest rhythm in Indie-Rock, All-time
Most rocking track in Alternative - Week of June 21, 2004
Track of the day in Alternative - May 8th, 2004
#7 Feel good track in Indie Rock, All-time
Feel good track in Alternative - Week of July 5th, 2004
#3 Best male vocals in Indie-Rock, All-time
#1 Most bitter breakup song in Indie-Rock, All-time
#5 Most bitter breakup song in Alternative, All-time

I know there's a bit of confusion in this list. How can something be #1 and #5 simultaneously you ask? Well, I guess it's because the group "Indie-Rock" is substantially smaller than the all-encompassing group of "Alternative" or somesuchthing. Regardless of how silly this is it's still really flattering that people listened to and enjoyed my songs. I won't be that guy that says "that's all you can hope for man, if just one other person enjoys my songs..." because all that really matters to me is that I'm happy with what I commited to tape. I know that sounds selfish but come on, is there a more selfish thing in this world than performing some form of art? I'd be damned to think of another. So, thanks to those who listened, I really do appreciate means that we have something in common as humans. As sonic friends. As sensory teammates. I take more comfort in that than "moving" people or whatever.

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