Thursday, June 23, 2005

wedding spoon

Timothy and Elizabeth

Our dear friends Tim and Liz tied the knot last week. Great time. Beautiful couple. The best wedding I've ever been to, by far. Not a big fan in general.

Went to Fenway on Fathers Day with Jen, my Dad, her Dad and my brother (he flew in from Phoenix). Great time. Great game too. Well, not really. We blew out the Pirates so I guess if you're a baseball purist then it wasn't a "great" baseball game. But if you're a Sox fan it was a great game.

I'm in the middle of finishing my next record. Recorded some more at home with Jose. My good friend Joel from Killswitch Engage came by and played some wonderful guitar on what will be the first track on the new record. In the middle of playing one of the guitar parts he stopped mid-chord and pet Scooter who was sleeping on the couch next to him. Pretty funny. Scooter doesn't care that he's in one of the biggest metal bands on Earth. If it's not Will Smith he just doesn't care. Don't ask.
Looks like this record is going to be either 10 or 11 songs. It's so much work (albeit, fun) making a record by yourself. Finding the right times to put different instrumentation on certain tracks. Playing around with counter melodies and weird percussion ideas. Mapping out edit times to try and shorten the mixing process. Trying to figure out which order the songs should go in. It's been so great, so far.
A few things about the forthcoming record:

1) It's terribly depressing. I mean, REAL depressing. Dirgy and minor-keyed. Not a quintessential summer record by any means. More like a record for people who live in the tundra of Alaska in December.

2) There are no swears. That's right, not a single curse word on the whole fucking record.

3) The people that have performed on it thusfar are:
JJ O'Connell, Paul Kochanski, Anne Pinkerton, Matt Cullen, Ruth Keating, Joel Stroetzel and Jose Ayerve.

4) I thought I had a title for it but I'm now starting to think otherwise. We'll see what happens. It might just be untitled. Or maybe it should be called *No need for fucking parental advisory stickers*

5) Want to know some of the song names? Well hell. Here you go:
The pressure it feeds
Forever every evening
Island of the burning trees
The whisper no one else can hear
Stamp and release
The drugs have shaped the angles
You are just like me. You will never be free.

6) "Forever every evening" can be heard on a new compilation by Lucky Creature Records in Nashville. Night Owl will have them in a matter of days.

7) Batman Begins is absolutely amazing. I can't get over it.

Wedding Daze

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