Friday, October 21, 2005


I was sent an online survey. I usually delete these things faster than you can say insecure. I decided to give this one a whirl. Hope it's not as boring as it seemed when I was doing it.

What is your name? Mark Thomas Schwaber
How old are you? 33
When is your Birthday? September 12th, 1972
What is your zodiac sign? Virgo
Where were you born? Noble Hospital. Westfield, MA 01085
Where do you live now? Easthampton, MA 01027
What color eyes do you have? Blue
What color hair do you have? Red
How tall are you? 6'3"
How much do you weigh? 165 lbs.
What is your race? 100 meter
What is your worst fear? JESUS CHRIST! You just scared the shit out of me.
Do you smoke? Currently
Do you drink? Formerly - beer, wine, whiskey. Currently - water, soda, tea, coffee, juice.
Do you swear? Not too fucking often
Do you use drugs? Formerly - things I shouldn't say. Currently - aspirin, nicotine, a little caffeine, allergy medicine.
Have you ever or will you ever steal? Formerly. Was arrested at 16 for stealing a connect the dots book in Enfield. Never stole again.
Are you dependable and/or trustworthy? Isn't that essentially asking me the same thing twice? If you're truly trustworthy aren't you obviously dependable by default? I understand that one could be dependable (show up for work everyday, rake your Mom's lawn every year etc.) and not necessarily trustworthy. For instance, A compulsive liar could always run on time. But does untrustworthy mean compulsive liar? No. But anyway...kinda, I guess.
Do you play in a band or play an instrument? No.
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings? Several.
If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be? Whoever it is that ends up ritualistically slaying George Bush, Dick Cheney and every other member of their cabinet.
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be? Unloved and violently. Or in a bed of flowers with Jen. You guess.
Do you ever get jealous of somebody else? Yes. Scooter.
Are you obsessive and/or compulsive? *Rocking back and forth in chair* *Perfectly aligning mousepad* No, not really.
Are you a violent person? Ask me again and find out where your teeth go.
What is your favorite game? Baseball
What is your favorite movie? Being there, Field of Dreams, The Natural, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Punch Drunk Love and too many more to mention here.
Who is your favorite band? Dave Matthews Band.
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read? What kind? Well, the ones with words would be a good place to start. How about authors because books are too numerous to mention. Saramago, Ichiguro, Steinbeck, Vonnegut, Eggers, Plath. Magazines are easy. Rolling Stone, Spin, Guitar World and MR+R because they sit in front of me many days a week.
What is your favorite color? Blue.
What is your favorite food? Baked Potato. Salad. Cheese.
What is your favorite drink? Water. Coke. OJ. Coffee.
Are you a virgin? At handgliding.
Have you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way? You would never ask me that if you knew me. I'd look like a bug. Actually, what the hell is a socially unacceptable way? The only thing I can think of that thing they do with your head when you join the military.
Are you religious? Spiritual.
Do you stand for originality and creativity? Do I stand for it? It's the only way I know how to live.
Do you like meeting new people? Not really.
What do you like most about life? Love. Music. Friends. Family. Dogs.
What do you dislike most about life? The state of the world. The perpetual, endless, cyclical spiral of the political state of every country on earth. Sadness. Death.
Do you believe in love at first sight? I don't know.
Do you own a car? Yes.
What is your favorite season? Fall.
Pick One...
Snowboarding or Skiing?
Watching a movie.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke. But Pepsi is OK.
Cats or dogs? Dogs. Dogs. Dogs.
Really smart or really hot? Depends on whether you're talking about people or my dinner.
Really successful or really popular? Both mean nothing to me.
Really rich or really famous? Both mean nothing to me.
Smart and depressed or stupid and happy? I have this conversation often. I am, by no means, a man of supremely elevated intellectual capacity but I do believe I can hold my own. Sometimes the fear. The anxiety. The sadness. The anger. They make me wish I was born with the IQ of someone with less ability to be affected by such environmental flaws and synapse misfirings. I don't know if I could ever say that I would like to be close to vegetative (W) but I could settle with being congruently listful and ambivalent (Adam Sandler).
Summer or winter? Winter when it's not freezing. Summer when it's not sweltering.
Spring or fall? Fall.
Hot or cold? Cold.
Love or lust? Depends. Not the diaper.
Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla.
Skateboarding or surfing? Reading.
Rain or Sun? Sun.

So there you go. Sorry to burden you with all of that. I'm going to go...I've got more ideas that are brewing. I just finished writing my last song (I mean it this time, I swear.) for the next record. I have the date of November 3rd booked at Slaughterhouse to mix down the rest. Mastering at the end of November. Out at the end of the year-ish. I'm also kicking around the idea of making a book of letters that Jen, myself and a good friend of ours out west are sending to each other. More on that later. Hehe...I just said More on.

1 comment:

Rick said...

I posted a comment over on Soundboard (the first time you posted this).

The gist is "This is absolutely wonderful, and you're a helluva swell guy."

So there.